This output documents systemic opportunities and challenges to implement initiatives for STEM teachers' competence development in Greece (GR), the Netherlands (NL), Bulgaria(BG) and Spain(ES). The output includes 4 national reports (in English) informed by the outcomes of the communication and negotiation process among policy makers, policy mediators and practitioners in each country (multiplier events 1, 2 3 and 4). Four concise "key-messages" documents (both in English and in the respective country's language) are included, entitled "Supporting STEM teachers' professional learning for competence development: Insights on the space of intervention in GR, NL, BG & SP". Presented in these documents for each national context are: the requirements for teachers' competence development, critical issues for STEM teachers' competence development and aligned to them recommendations for policy, policy mediation and practice in each country. 

Find here briefing documents on systemic oppotunities and challenges for STEM teachers' competence development in the national contexts of GR, NL, BG and ES and the European Parents' Association (EPA) position on the documents. 

Supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development: Insights on the space for intervention in Greece [EN] [EL]

Supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development: Insights on the space for intervention in the Netherlands  [EN] [NL]

Supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development: Insights on the space for intervention in Bulgaria [EN] [BG]

Supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development: Insights on the space for intervention in Spain [EN] [ES]

Supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development on working with parents [EN]


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