This report documents the process and outcomes of the evaluation of the projects' learning in teaching approach via e-inquiries.

The evaluation of the ELITe’s approach focused on the following research questions:
-Which inquiry skills/competences have been practiced by teachers and by which Inquiry Based Learning activities?
-What are the outcomes of the ELITe professional learning activities in teachers’ competence development (knowledge and understanding; skills; dispositions and attitudes on/for learning and teaching)?
-Is practicing inquiry skills enhances teachers competences?
- How relevant and useful is the ELITe approach for STEM teachers’ needs for professional developments?
In the course of the project, developed and implemented were teachers’ professional development activities through an IBL approach in GR, NL, BG, ES. Developed and implemented with STEM teachers were eight teacher training scenarios under the weSPOT IBL model in each national context, relating to current challenges in STEM learning and teaching. The professional learning activities ran during the period December 2017- January 2019 with the full participation of 287 teachers (44 from Greece; 55 from the Netherlands, 128 from Bulgaria and 55 from Spain). The vast majority of the participants (78,8%) were female; as for the age distribution, approx. 55% aged between 30 and 50 years old, 31% were below 30 and 14% aged above 50 years old. Participants were mainly experienced teachers: 28% had more than 16 years of teaching experience; approx.15-16% had experience of 11-15, 6-10, 3-5 or 1-2 years, while only approx.. 8% had no teaching experience at all. More than 75% of the participants were STEM teachers in secondary (general and vocational) education, while an approx. 15% were primary education teachers. Data gathered through pre- and post-self-evaluation questionnaires.
Results from the evaluation are presented both for each national context and cross-nationally. Outcomes of the analysis provided: insights on the cause and effect relationship between the ELITe professional learning activities and inquiry skills practicing, (i.e. Critical thinking; Information literacy; Analytical skills; Communication skills; Digital skills; Metacognitive and reflection skills; Other research skills; evidence on the effects of IBL methodology on STEM teachers’ competence development; insights on the relevancy and usefulness of the ELITe approach for STEM teachers’ needs for professional developments.
The final part of this document presents the validation results of the multiplier events. In the ELITe project’s second set of Multiplier Events (M5,M6,M7, M8) the ELITe framework was communicated to educational stakeholders in GR, NL, BG and ES, under the scope of negotiating the validity of project’s understandings on STEM teachers’ competence enhancement through IBL methodology. In the course of the events participants were presented key outcomes of the ELITe project relating to the implementation and evaluation of the project’s approach and engaged on, reflected on and negotiated the strengths and limitations of the project’s approach for STEM professional learning in their national contexts. Results from the negotiation process validated the relevance and the applicability of the proposed framework for STEM professional learning provisions in the partnership countries.

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