
The case of Greece [EN[EL], the Netherlands [EN[NL], Bulgaria [EN[BG] & Spain [EN[ES]     

Presented are the outcomes of the review on the state-of-affairs in terms of STEM teachers’ competence development in Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Spain – as conceptualized and expressed at the levels of policy envisions, policy mediation and practice in each national context. Insights in terms of teachers’ competences requirements as evident explicitly in policy documents (policy level), in teacher training curricula (teacher training level) and implicitly in students’ STEM curricula (practice level) are provided.  Prominent issues for consideration that emerged from the systemic analysis in each national context are outlined.

A comparative overview of STEM teachers’ competences that are required in the national contexts of Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Spain. Considered are three dimensions of competences (knowledge & understanding, skills, dispositions & attitudes), while aspects in each dimension have been adopted by EC (2013) teacher competences’ framework (1). Aspects explicitly evident refer to evidence as demonstrated in the national policy documents and the curricula for STEM teachers’ training; aspects implicitly evident refer to evidence as demonstrated in students’ STEM curricula. (1)European Commission (2013) Supporting teacher competence development for better learning outcomes

The aim of the document to complement the analysis of four national contexts from the perspective of parents, to provide ground for discussion and reflection among STEM education stakeholders on how to improve teacher training and competence development – both pre- and in-service.

The case of Greece [EN[EL], the Netherlands [EN[NL], Bulgaria [EN[BG] & Spain [EN[ES]

Which are the systemic opportunities and challenges for supporting STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development in Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Spain? How could we take advantage of the opportunities and how could we address the challenges towards ensuring STEM teachers’ capacity building? The questions were negotiated with policy representatives, teacher training providers and STEM teachers in each country in the course of the project’s multiplier events. As an outcome of the negotiation process, critical issues for STEM teachers' competence development were identified and recommendations for policy, policy mediation and practice were articulated - presented in these briefing documents.

Key issues in Europe in STEM teaching from the parents’ perspective are outlined. How could STEM teachers’ professional learning for competence development on working with parents be supported at policy, policy mediation and practice levels?

This document is a response to the need for reconsidering STEM professional learning provisions, so as to effectively facilitate STEM teachers respond to their challenging roles as learners, facilitators of students learning and members of educational communities. The document aims to inform curriculum design in STEM teacher education by providing recommendations for policy and policy making towards a new model for STEM professional learning that can respond to current challenges –contextual, thematic, methodological and outcome related - in STEM teachers CPD.

