Learning Activities

The learning/training activities of the ELITe project target Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) secondary teachers in Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Spain. They are based on the ELITe’s project “Learning in Teaching via e-inquiries approach”, as exemplified and applied by means of 8 digital scenarios for professional learning per national context.

The training activities aim to support STEM teachers’ competence development on/for:

The training activities are implemented through the Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) methodology, rather than an instructional method. Activities are carried out remotely through the Dojo-IBL digital learning platform, which incorporates the basic principles of the IBL method. In digital learning communities, the participant teachers will raise their concerns in thematic, design the method of exploring their questions, explore / interpret data from sources, and link the knowledge gained with their pre-existing experiences.

The thematic areas of the activities relate to current challenges for STEM professional teaching and learning, and are outlined here below: • Dealing with inclusion and diversity • Teaching STEM for skill development • Incorporating RRI in STEM education • Innovative STEM methodologies (IBL & project work, self-directed learning, computational thinking) • Opening up school science • Assessment challenges in STEM • ICT enhanced STEM learning and teaching • Confronting challenges of new curricula • Enhancing teachers-parents collaboration.

Training activities in Greece

An outline of the Greek professional learning/training activities can be found here

For more information on how to register and take part in the currently running activity see the national page on Greek PL activities.  

Training activities in the Netherlands

An outline of the Dutch professional learning/training activities can be found here.

For more information on how to register and take part in the currently running activity see the national page on Dutch PL activities

Training activities in Bulgaria

An outline of the Buldarian professional learning/training activities can be found here. 

For more information on how to register and take part in the currently running activity see the national page on Bulgarian PL activities.

Training activities in Spain

An outline of the Spanish professional learning/training activities can be found here.

For more information on how to register and take part in the currently running activity see the national page on Spanish PL activities.. 

